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Updated: Sep 12, 2020

I only discuss and promote products I have used and 100% believe in and all opinions expressed here are authentically mine. This post may contain affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from per purchase. Read more here.

Hi friends! In today's post/video I am discussing the top 5 ingredients to help treat acne. As always, it is best to see your local skincare professional to have them formulate a routine specific to your skin. These ingredients are well known and easily found in products aimed at treating acne.

1. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid works by penetrating the follicle and dissolving oil and debris inside your pores. This will help keep them clear and functioning properly. This is an exfoliating ingredient, so you must use sparingly and with caution so as not to over-do it and cause sensitivity in your skin. This is great for anyone that is suffering from blackheads, small white heads, and inflamed acne overall.

Two of my favorite SA products are:

2. Benzoyl Peroxide

This is another very well known ingredient for acne, and frankly I think it is a bit misunderstood. BP uses oxygen to kill bacteria within the pore, and often is known for being very drying and irritating to the skin. While I will agree with this if it is used in too-high of a concentration, or too frequently, I think this can be an extremely beneficial ingredient if used properly. I recommend using a lower concentration (around 2.5% to start) and incorporate it into your routine in a cleanser or overnight gel treatment.

Favorite BP products:

3. Niacinamide

This is one of my favorite ingredients of all time, for all skin, for all conditions. Niacinamide is also known as vitamin b3 and it has a host of benefits such as improving skin barrier function, brightening the complexion, minimizing pores, and to top it off it is non-irritating and non-sensitizing. It plays well with all other skincare ingredients as well. Can it get much better!?

Favorite Niacinamide Products:

4. Hyaluronic Acid

This might be an ingredient you didn't expect to see on this list - but I added it here because a lot of times people struggling with acne will unintentionally dehydrate their skin, which will lead to excess oil production, and in turn more breakouts. Hyaluronic acid works by binding water to the skin. So with HA you can get an extremely deep hydration (when paired with a light moisturizer) without any heavy oils or creams that can lead to clogging of the pores.

Favorite HA products:

5. Retinoids (!!)

Retinol / retinoids are the fountain of youth! I said it and I'm sticking with it. Retinoids regulate your cell turnover, which is the process of your skin sloughing off dead skin cells and creating new healthy cells underneath. This ingredient will help your other products to penetrate better, minimize fine lines, help prevent scarring, and keep the skin looking youthful. Use with caution and an SPF EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Favorite Retinols:


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